Monday, March 9, 2009


(cleaning the beach)

As I said in my previous post, I have to wake up early in the morning to ttn...
It was really early in the morning, felt so sleepy again, however I still managed to wake up..
Did not late...After ttn then went to the beach for the picnic, quite many food...
Besides that, it was Gao's birthday birthday tooo... So, they did it together...
Hmm... the guy just playing around with their game, counted scary and frighten...
then actually we can play till maybe around 1 o clock,
but by the grace of God,
we all went back earlier 1 hours, we did our beach cleaning too...
cause was raining this afternoon...
According my English ttn teacher, she said nowadays will rain,
cause something happened in Australia... forget called what already...
After that, nothing happened liao.. My brother is going to wear spectacles ,
the factor is because always play computer.. muhaha.. (play la.. play la..)
I have photo actually, but not yet collect all...

so, it mean to be continued
Going to have my beauty sleep,
as tomorrow have to go back to school...

Mummy, I dun wan... Can i stll have a holiday? no......

Happy birthday to Gao!!!!
Wish u have a nice seventeen

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