Monday, October 27, 2008

Yesterday met up with my this KK friend,
met him up at church,
then after service we went to uk have our lunch and brougth him to youth...
He is a very funny and sanguine guy....
many thing to talk!
Happy to meet him....
hope u have wonderful time in Labuan!
At night, we went out with him...
To watch movie with him...
We watch a that movie that show at upstair...
that movie very nice la... super nice...
funny, scary, interesting and hectic....
Have a nice day
I gonna go back to my exam life again~~
Have two weeks to go!!!!!
Is two weeks la.... Have 36 moral value have to memorise again (Moral), Chemistry, Add math, Math, Sejarah 1, Bi 1, Pjk and Psk to go again... Gonna work harder... Will not update maybe 1 week...
Besides that, i still got basketball competition this week... I really hope that I can do my best in this competition, I very fall short of basketball... Father Lord, Please help me in this game, prevent people injure from this game, and everything will be smooth....

My cute niece!!!

My lil brother...

My lil bro was eating maggie...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Help! Help! Help!

Oh no!!!!
Tomorrow I am going face my final examination!
First day then Biology!!! science science science...
My poor subject... Haizzz...
I'm scare!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I dont want.....

Yesterday, i get high fever, stomach pain, flu, and vomit...
My body no energy at ALL.... even no appetite to eat my lunch and dinner...
SO suffer... I dun want to sick anymore....
Pls dun sick again!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Scary Thing happened !!!

(With spectacles)
Today I will write my post with Chinese...
It had been long time no type Chinese already,
want to try it,
plus today one scary thing happened in school...
I quite angry when i heard that!! and scary too...

我很好奇....後來,我就問我的朋友到底發生了什麼事情?她就告訴我校長說的...原來是那麼大件的事情,- (有女孩子被非禮)
我的心裡有點生氣還有一點的怕,我的心裡一直想,為什麼學校也會發生這種事情, 為什麼那個沒腦的非禮的人沒有道德的? 他是沒有事情做啊,跑來學校來騷擾女孩子,真的是,而且還那麼早,不在家睡覺嗎?走出來欺負女孩子....真的有夠令人討厭...我最討厭這樣的男子,你有可能破壞一個女人的尊嚴﹐是多麼的不好﹐希望可以快點把這種人捉起來﹐不要在讓他去傷害無辜的人.... 女孩子們,記得要小心謹慎一點... 我祈禱上帝能保祐我們全部每一個人, 每一天都能平安的度過每一天, 還有開心的, 因為我知道主每天都與我們同在守護每一個人...
In Jesus name, Amen.

Monday, October 6, 2008

I need rest?

I'm trying to be prefect,
But nothing was worth it.
I'm trying to let you know,
It is better off on my own,
It never gets easy.
My heart is empty,
Even my brain is empty.
I can't do anything,
How can i fix it?
Can i fix it from the beginning,
pretend nothing happened before,
won't somebody help me,
Because I don't feel too strong.
some times it's so crazy,
but nothing can save me,
but it's the only thing that I have,

Sunday, October 5, 2008

With Me!!!

Recently, I like to hear this song, quite nice lyric, nice melody.... 'With me'