Friday, January 9, 2009

Title of Friends

How can you tell it you have true friends? Why do u your friends sometimes leave you out? Why are some friends two faced? Why do they lie? Why are some friends caring and other aren't? Why are some friends wanna hide thing from you even u are good friend?

Friends mean those who know, like and trust one another; those who support and sympathize
Maybe it's more important to be a friend than to have one. How can you be a friend?

Proverbs gives there guidelines:
  • Love unconditionally ( Proverbs 17:17)

  • Be available for advice ( Proverbs 27:9)

  • Speak the truth (27:5-6)

  • Be loyal ( Proverbs 16:28)

It is true that we need more than one friend in our daily life. I experience of different kind of people in my life. I have friends who betray, talk behind as they like, make story, two-faced, and others, they are just 'so-called friend' but of course I have some friends is good to me. I know no one is prefect..Even I have those bad attitude too Sometimes I really need a people that understand me, but i found that really hard. Just wanna share when i found this title of friends. I write this post no offence to anyone. I just write by what I always hear and see surrounding me.


lauwy said...

i am a very bad fren... =D

Mad Mad =) said...

haha.... ya meh? dun chat with me ah u..